shipping_first_name. ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name. ' ' . $order->shipping_company. ' - ' . $order->shipping_address_1. ', ' . $order->shipping_address_2. ' ' . $order->shipping_city. ', ' . $order->shipping_state. ' ' . $order->shipping_postcode. ' ' . $order->shipping_country; } function formatted_billing_address($order) { return $order->billing_first_name. ' ' . $order->billing_last_name. ' ' . $order->billing_company. ' - ' . $order->billing_address_1. ', ' . $order->billing_address_2. ' ' . $order->billing_city. ', ' . $order->billing_state. ' ' . $order->billing_postcode. ' ' . $order->billing_country; } $order = new WC_Order( $_GET['view-order'] ); $order_shipping_method = $order->get_items( 'shipping' ); $order_shipping_method = reset($order_shipping_method); ?>


get_items(); //to get info about product foreach($_order as $order_product_detail){ $totalAmount += $order_product_detail['line_total']; ?>


find('.lost_password a',0)->href){ $shortcode_parse->find('.lost_password a',0)->href = 'password_recovery.php'; } // cambio i link che porta alla pagina di dettaglio singolo ordine foreach($shortcode_parse->find('.order-actions .view') as $element) $element->href = 'my_account.php'.substr($element->href, strpos($element->href, "/?") + 1); foreach($shortcode_parse->find('.order-actions .pay') as $element) $element->href = 'checkout.php'.substr($element->href, strpos($element->href, "/?") + 1); foreach($shortcode_parse->find('.order-actions .cancel') as $element) $element->href = 'cart.php'.substr($element->href, strpos($element->href, "/?") + 1); foreach($shortcode_parse->find('.order-number a') as $element) $element->href = 'my_account.php'.substr($element->href, strpos($element->href, "/?") + 1); foreach($shortcode_parse->find('.digital-downloads li a') as $element) $element->href = 'my_account.php'.substr($element->href, strpos($element->href, "/?") + 1); if(isset($_GET['login_err']) and $_GET['login_err']='failed'){ echo 'Username o password errati'; } echo $shortcode_parse; } ?>

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